Our first real day in India was definately a big eye opener. We didn't do to much because we got in so late the night before. We decided to go to the spa to relax a little and experience a fish pedicure. I have been very excited about this and looked forward to this experience. I love my feet being rubbed, tickled or anything else, so I was the first one to stick my feet in the water full of feet sucking fish. WHAT AN EXPERIENCE!!!! Not what I was expecting. I didn't ease my feet in the water. I just stuck them right in and got attacked by hundreds of fish. I must say it was the strangest feeling in the world and I screamed and jumped out of the pool. I did decide to put them back in, but I waited until more feet were in with mine so that all the fish didn't come to mine.
10 years ago
Love the trip log! keep it up, we need some excitement here in woodruff! Sounds like you are having a good time!
OH MY HECK!! You are much braver than I! Feet sucking fish? Did the fish do as good a job as an American pedicure. That sounds CRAZY!
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