Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Summer is well under way. Minus the weather

June is already half over. I can't believe it!! Time goes so fast, the kids will be back in school before we know it. We really haven't had the best weather yet. It has rained almost everyday since the kids got out of school. WE ARE READY FOR SOME SUNSHINE!!!

We have been busy running kids to all their various activities.

Bailey started volleyball camp this week and has really enjoyed it. They are working them pretty hard and she is coming home very sore and tired. She is going to go to Logan next week to stay with Wade and Lori and babysit for them while they work. After she comes home from their house she will be leaving for 4-H camp. She is a busy girl and I am really going to miss her. She helps me so much with the boys and around the house. I am going to be lost without her.

Tyus is very involved in sports and loves them all. Right now he is playing Soccer in Evanston and also Softball in Randolph. His games and practices for both seem to always fall at the same time so we are running from sport to sport with him trying to make it to as much of both of them as we can. Later in the summer he is also going to go to golf camp. He can't wait and keeps asking me when he gets to go. He will also go to scout camp this year and also seems to be excited for it.

Peyton is involved in sports too. He is playing Teeball in Randolph and also plays Soccer in Evanston. He is doing so well at both sports. This is his first year to do both of them and he is loving ever minute of it. In teeball his coaches pitch the ball to them instead of using the tee and he does very well hitting it. He is so proud of himself for not having to use the tee. I am his soccer coach and I think I may request to not have him on my team next time. He is a little stinker sometimes and I think he would do better with someone else coaching him. Oh well, it has been fun coaching him and his team mates. They are cute little kids and not bad soccer players either.

(I have only remembered to take my camera to one of Peyton's teeball games. I will have to take pictures of his soccer and Tyus' softball and soccer and post them later.)

Peyton up to bat (without the tee)

Running to first base after hitting the ball

My brother Alan and his wife and kids are moving to India in a few days. We decided to have our family reunion before they left. We went camping up to the creek and had a ball. The weather could have been a little better, but other then that everything was great. We will really miss Alan and Kerri and their kids. They will be gone for 2 years. That is a long time and a long ways away from home. Good luck guys!!! We love you and will miss you.

Here are some pictures of our reunion

The kids took the treats we all brought and put them together and made a candy store in one of the tents.

Caden, Peyton and Machesney eating their treats from the candy store

Jackson was the advertiser for the store

My Dad and Chad enjoying dinner. You've got to love camping food!!

Sweet little Savannah (Alan and Kerri's baby)

Katie and Chase (he is enjoying his candy from the candy store too)

The Erickson Clan

Alan, Kerri and Savannah

Chad and I have been looking for a newer camp trailer for about a year now and haven't had any luck at all. We had an older trailer, but it was just to little for our growing family. We were looking for one that would be better for us. We had almost given up, and then we found the trailer that we had been hoping to find. We decided to call on it in hopes that it hadn't already been sold. To our surprise it hadn't and we were able to buy it. We have only had it for a few days and can't wait to try it out. I think we are going to find somewhere to camp this weekend. Hopefully the weather will cooperate.

Our new trailer

We are way excited that it has a slide. It adds a lot more room inside

The living room

Kitchen, Hall and Bedroom


Our Favorite Things said...

Sounds like you guys are busy too. I agree about the weather, though, where is our sunny June weather?

Dubb Days said...

Wow! You are one busy mom! Your summer is going to fly by with all those activities.
The reunion looks like fun. That is cute about the candy store. Wouldn't it be fun to have an Erickson/Orton reunion?!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tracy: Your new camping trailer is very nic & you will have a blast with it. Are you going to sell your old one??? We are looking for one and so that is why I am asking.... Love your blog....

Kyle & Shanna said...

It seems like your summer is starting out good. I hope the kids are having a good time. Sports are fun.