Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sleeping on the stairs

Peyton has never been a very good sleeper and it's beginning to look like he may never be. I have had to get mad at him and tell him that I will have to make his room in the chicken coop outside. Then maybe I could get a good nights sleep!!!! The other night he would not stay in his bed and kept coming upstairs. I told him if I saw him one more time he was going to sleep with the chickens. I didn't see him for a while, so I went to check on him and found him asleep on the top of the stairs. What a little mess!!! I don't know what we are going to do with him. I hope he will grow out of it, but I thought he would have by the age of 4. Maybe 5 will be the magical number. We will all cross our fingers.


Northern Nuts! said...
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Northern Nuts! said...

I think I fixed it.