Friday, June 25, 2010

The story of how we fell off of the camel.....

So I never really told to story about our camel ride. Well, not our camel ride, but our camel fall!!! We were the road driving to a place called Mysore, when we spotted some camels and their owners on the side of the road. Alan had a the bright idea of asking if we could ride the camels. The plan was to have me and Katie ride one and Alan and Kerri were going to ride another one. Of course Alan put me and Katie on first and all went bad, so him and Kerri never did get on one. The camel that we got on had a saddle looking thing on it, and we didn't even question it. It hadn't been strapped down securely and therefore when the camel stood up with us on it, the saddle and both Katie and I went flying over the camels shoulder and on to the road below. A lot of people that watch the video wondered if we recovered but figured that we hadn't, but the video stops just short of the graceful fall to the ground.

Katie posing with the camel just before the fall

This is the camel after it had gotten rid of it's riders!!
As you can see the saddle is up around it's shoulders and not on it's back

This is my injury after the fall.
I had to pull rocks out of my knee, but I feel very lucky that this is all that happened. It could have been a lot worse.

Katie's injured knee!!
She got the worst end of the deal. She not only hit the ground first, but also had me land right on top of her. POOR GIRL!!!! Sorry Katie!!!

It is something that we will never forget and we haven't stopped laughing about it yet. We decided that not many people can say that they have even rode a camel let alone fallen off of one. GOOD, and FUNNY MEMORIES!!!!