Monday, April 27, 2009

I can't believe my baby is going to Kindergarten!!!

Peyton standing outside his Kindergarten class room, getting ready to go in and show his stuff to the teacher to see if he is ready for the BIG time school!!!

Today was Peyton's Kindergarten registration. I can't believe he is old enough, my baby is going to kindergarten. He was so excited and did a great job. He new everything that Mrs. Weston (his teacher) asked him to do. In fact he didn't even let her start the testing. He walked right in the room and said to her.... "My birthday is on May 17th, I will be 5, I know how to write my name, and I will be in kindergarten next year. When he was done with his 30 min appointment with her, he was very disappointed that he couldn't stay for the rest of the day. We ate lunch with the kids and then went and reported how the day went to his dad.

PS.... I have to tell about his little prayer he said the night before his registration. It was so cute.....
I asked him if he wanted to say his prayers or if he wanted me to. He said "You go first and then I will." So I said a prayer and asked that he would do good at his registration and that he would remember all the things that he had learned and needed to know to go to kindergarten. He then said his prayer and said..... "Dear Heavenly Father, I already know how to write my name, and how to tie my shoes (kind of), I know letters and sounds, and my address and phone #, so I will pass my test. Please bless that I will have a good day. Amen

It was just funny the way he said it. It was almost like he was wondering why I would ask that he would be able to remember it when he already new it. It was probably one of those things that you just had to hear to appreciate it.

(I have some really cute pictures of him at the school, but my camera is giving me fits and won't download the pictures. I will have to post them later.)

Peyton showing Mrs. Weston how he can write his name.

He was very disappointed when it was over. He thought that he got to stay for the day. He asked me when all of the other kids would be there. When I told him we had to go home he wasn't very happy. (as you can see on his face)


Heather said...

They grow so fast! Darling little guy- his prayer was too cute!

The Handleys said...

That is so exciting,and a little sad to. Having all your kids in school seems strange. His little prayer seems so grown up.

Katie Call-Sommer said...

I can't believe he is going to be 5 either wow! He is so cute. That is a cute prayer!!

Our Favorite Things said...

First of all, I can't believe how big your kids are getting...Second of all, how awesome that Mrs. Weston is still there!!