Saturday, April 25, 2009

Pinewood Derby

Tyus got to make a Pinewood Derby Car this year for scouts. He was so excited and enjoyed working on it with his Dad. He got to pick out the style he wanted and how he wanted to decorate it. He had no problem deciding what colors he wanted it to be.... Of course it had to be a Denver Bronco car!!! Him and his dad worked on it every night for about a week.

Tyus starting to paint his car

Finishing the first coat of paint

adding the orange stripe

The final product

Dad and Tyus ready to race the car they made together

Tyus got to race in a few races that night. All of his races were really close and had to be decided by a tie breaker. He was really lucky and ended up winning all of the tie breaking races. Because of winning all of his races he got to compete for 1st and 2nd place. He raced against his friend Taylor Hull. They each won one race and again had to have a tie breaker to find a winner. Taylor's car beat Tyus' by just a little and Tyus ended up with 2nd place. Great Job Tyus!!! He was so excited that his car did so well and so was his dad. Because he took 2nd place he and the 1st and 3rd place kids get to take their cars to Evanston and compete in the Regional Derby in May.

Tyus getting ready for the big race

One of his many races

The top 4 places. From left to right- 4th place: Carson Cornia, 3rd place: Britt Stacey, 2nd place: Tyus Cornia, and 1st place: Taylor Hull

Tyus with his car and 2nd place trophy when we got home from the derby

All of the boys did a great job and it was a really fun night. They all showed great sportsmanship to each other and everyone was excited to see all of the boys success. Good Job boys!!! And good luck to the top 3 winners when they go and compete in Evanston at the regional Derby.


Nelson's said...

How fun!! I love the Car of course it was Bronco colors. Looks like you guys had a great time and that picture of Tyus's face in that painting is so cute, someone is creative!

Amanda and Kalon Downing said...

Great Job Tyus and Chad:) Tyus is just the cutest. How fun, I bet Kalon will love to do that with Jayken. I haven't got caught up with everyone's blog since my stupid hacker deal. I saw your cookout, that looks so fun we should get together sometime and do that, that would be so fun. I am so glad we live close and I have gotten know you guys better, Your the best. Thanks for all you do for us. Especially for letting us use your house for pre-school what a blessing it has been. You and Tami are the best. Thanks so so much.

Kyle & Shanna said...

Woohoo! Go Tyus! (...and Chad). Thats aweesome. Good luck in Evanston. And Kyle would definantly be a fan of the car. Born in Denver, no more detail needed.