Sunday, March 8, 2009

Always on the go!!!

We were gone again this weekend. Chad commented that it is about time to stay home, and I agree. It is a lot of fun going and doing things, but sometimes it is just nice to stay home.

We went to Richfield again for the Boys State Basketball Tournament. The tournament started on Wednesday, but we didn't go until Friday. We told the kids that we would go if the basketball team won their first 2 games, and they did. Friday morning we got up and headed down for the 3rd and 4th games that they would be playing. We got to the hotel around 3 pm and the game started at 6 pm, so the kids got some swimming time in before the game. They also swam after the game until they all got kicked out at closing time. They had so much fun with all the kids that were staying there too. All the parents sitting on the side watching the swimmers ended up as wet as the kids in the pool. They started a water fight and it ended up turning into a water/snowball fight before it was done. One of the parents went outside and got some snow and then the fun really began. The games were really good, but didn't go as we had hoped we ended up loosing the last two games and took 4th over all.

Tyus swimming!! He would turn his head every time I tried to take a picture.

All of the kids from Rich County in the hot tub at the hotel. The kids all have a blast with their friends when we go to State B-Ball.

Peyton and his friend Jeremy enjoying the freedom in the swimming pool.
Thank goodness for life jackets!!!

(I didn't get any pictures of Bailey swimming, because she wouldn't go because she was afraid of who might see her in a swimming suit. Silly girl, she is too young to do that already!!! As you can see in the picture above most of the ones in the picture are boys. She actually went and hung out with her friends in the hotel halls.)

We played Escalante High School the first night and my best friend from High School, Cristy Kennedy, married a guy from there. They just happened to be there watching too. Chad ran into her and sent her my way. I was so excited to see her. We talked through most of the game that night and then I also saw her the next night at the games. It was so fun!!!! I hope to keep in touch with her a little better. She has got such a cute family and her kids are getting so big. That is what happens when you don't see each other very often.

While we were down in Richfield we took the boys to Salina to a Wrestling Tourn. There were a ton of people at it and we weren't sure if it was ever going to end. Once they got going and things seemed to get more organized it went a little smoother then we had thought it might. Both boys did a great job and we were so proud of them.

Peyton wrestled 3 matches and won all 3 by points. He was so cute. Last year he didn't quite get the concept of wrestling and just rolled around, but this year he actually knows what to do and he wrestles. It's amazing what just a year will do.

Tyus also had 3 matches and he won all of his by pins. He is a great little wrestler and is very aggressive. It only took him seconds to pin all of his matches. He hasn't been as interested this year in wrestling and we have kind of had to fight him to do it. I don't know why he has been this way, because he has really liked it until just the last couple of weeks. I don't know if someone has said something to him or what, but he is a good little wrestler so we are hoping he will decide it is ok and have a little better attitude about it.


Amanda and Kalon Downing said...

Cut pictures, Tell the boys good job on wrestling, I think Tyus is definetly built to be a wrestler. Peyton looks so cute wrestling. I hope Jayken will be interested one day, for now, he is still shy, maybe getting his tonsils out and getting him better will make the difference in all the world. I love the pictures.

Our Favorite Things said...

Hey Trac, of course it is good you found my blog, I thought I sent you the link, but I must not have. I am glad you found it though. I can't believe how old our kids are getting. Remember when we were dragging them to drill team practice? They have changed so much since then. Thanks about the cakes. I am hoping that I can someday do a cake business. If you ever need a cake, let me know, I would love to make one for you.

Anonymous said...

Tracy: I would love suggestions i will get with you sometime when we are both on face!!!!!

Dubb Days said...

It sounds like you have some fun parents as well as kids--nothing like snow with swimming!

The Herberts said...

Great job at the wrestles boys! I'm glad I found your blog and on facebook! It makes me feel like I'm not missing out on everything AS MUCH when I can read and stay informed on what's going on! SNOW and swimming... those were the days!

Anelisa said...

Looks like everyone had fun at state! Way to go Tyus and Peyton...what great athletes!!!