Sunday, March 15, 2009

Our unlucky dog- Blaze!!!

This is our poor dog that only has one eye, and now has a broken leg. What will be next?!?!

We have had our dog Blaze for about 1 1/2 years. He was only a couple of months old when we got him. I didn't think that an animal would be harder to raise then my kids, but he has. He has had more happen to him in his short life then more dogs do in a life time. In November of last year I let him outside and a couple of hours later he came back in and his right eye was hanging out of it socket. I just about died and rushed him up to the vet. They said a dozen things could have happened, but they weren't sure exactly how it did. The only thing they did know was that the eye was not savable and they had to take it out that day. He had to stay the night and then wear a "lamp shade" on his neck for 2 weeks. We obviously don't have insurance on our dogs, so we ended up paying about $400.00 for this surgery. I don't even know if I have spent that much on one of my kids. Thank goodness for insurance on them!!!

Our second episode with the poor dog just happened on Friday. I got a call from Chad while I was at. He told me that him and Peyton decided to go look at Kalon and Amanda Downing's baby pigs and they were backing out of the shed, Blaze was behind them and Chad ran him over with the truck. He said he felt the THUD and looked to see Blaze running into the field. He tried to get out and see the damage, but as you could imagine Blaze wanted nothing to do with him. Can you blame him!!!! After returning from seeing the pigs he checked him out and could tell that he had a broken leg or hip. He took him to the vet and they did x-rays and found it was just his leg. They put a cast on it and kept him over night again to make sure that there were no internal injuries. He also has to wear that dumb "lamp shade" thing around his neck again. (I think that is the most annoying thing for the poor dog) No insurance again, and $250.00 later, I'm not so sure we should keep putting money into this dog. I'm afraid with his luck, he might not make it to the age of 2. My kids love him to pieces and he is a good dog, so we feel like we need to do everything we can to keep him around. I just have to keep reminding myself that it is worth it.


Nicole said...

Oh poor little doggy and poor checkbook. lol We have not had great luck with dogs either... we have one dog that we have had for about 5 years but all the other ones we have gotten in between never make it for different reasons. Thankfully we LOVE the one we have had forever, and he is part of our family now.

The story about you and the dentist is hilarious... you need to share the pics with the rest of us so we can share in the office laughter. lol

Heather said...

That is so sad, but that picture is so cute- it tells the whole story without any words!

Amanda and Kalon Downing said...

That poor dog, he has about used up all his lives. You guys are so sweet to cast his leg, kalon would never let me do that, I am sure he would if the kids begged. Darn it, I hope he gets better, at least he can't snap now with his guard on, ha ha.

Anelisa said...

Oh poor little Blaze :( Hopefully the leg mends quickly.

Kyle & Shanna said...

Oh that's sad. Poor little puppy. I hope his leg heals quickly and that he won't have to wear a "lamp shade" again.

Northern Nuts! said...

Oh my heck Tracy!!!! Now I have to blog about my poor angel kitty! I did not spend the money on him - I am going to have to hide this info from my children so they don't think you are a better mom then I am for not forking out the cash to save our cat's leg :(

Erin said...

Poor Blaze!! He is lucky to have you guys taking good care of him! Maybe he will get out all of his injuries in the first two years of his life! You can always hope, he is done.

Ryan & Sue Erickson said...

It's a good thing Chad is a huge TEDDY BEAR!! Ryan would have told me bullets are a lot cheaper!! Poor Blaze...

Katie Call-Sommer said...

That's sad poor thing..

Nicole said...

Love the new blog look!!!!!

I just wanted to make sure you saw that I am having an open crop at the rec at Mtn. Fuel on Saturday from 10-3... its going to just be fun, bring up some projects and come visit with us!! Let me know if you think you will make it. :)