Sunday, March 29, 2009

Buying our new 4--H pigs

Yesterday was the annual pig sale in Randolph. The kids have been looking forward to this day for a long time. Chad's cousin Kalon Downing raises pigs and then sells them. Chad and the kids have been helping him a little with the pigs, so they have gotten to be around them. They were anxious to be able to by a couple of them for their own. Bailey is the only one old enough to raise a pig and sell it at the fair in August, but Tyus and Peyton will also raise a pig and show it at the open class pig show.

We ended up with 3 of the pigs and are very pleased with the 3 we got. We hope they will be good pigs in the end. I'm sure they will be.

Tyus and Bailey at Kalon's helping with the baby pigs. (Before the sale)

Tyus waiting patiently for the right pig to buy at the sale.

The kids welcome home their new pigs!!!

Peyton's pig is the pink one he has his hand on. (I'm not sure what he named his yet)

Tyus' pig is the other pink one that he has his hand on. He named his Spot for the time being. I'm sure that it will change a few times until he gets the perfect name.

Bailey's pig is the biggest of them all. Thank goodness. Hopefully we won't have to worry about it making weight like we did last year. She is such a friendly pig and loves all of the attention. I hope she stays like that. Her name is Lightning Bolt, or just Bolt, because when she was little she got a cut on her back and it healed in the shape of a Lightning Bolt. Kalon has called her that since, so Bailey is going to keep that name for her.

This is my niece Machesney. She also bought a pig at the sale. Her big sisters are going to get pigs too, but not for a couple of weeks. They didn't want this baby pig to be alone so it got to come to our house until they get their other ones. Machesney isn't to excited about not having her pig at her house with her. She has been out 2 times today just to check on it. She is such an animal lover and is so cute with them. I think she has named her pig mouse, because he looks like a little mouse.


Heather said...

I don't know if I could do pigs, but we have been thinking about getting chickens....

Nicole said...

Oh fun I am glad you got your pigs.. now let the fun begin. :)

Anonymous said...

You do a super job on your blog it is very cute. Thank you for all the nice & thoughtful comments you leave for me.

Anelisa said...

Yeah for everyone that got just the right pig!!! Super cute pictures of everyone.